The democrats still think the populace is smart enough to look at the alternative and choose the less-worse option.
The problem is this attitude and the literally brain dead take that this is in any way strategic voting.
Democrats are a “barely, sometimes maybe not, less-worse option”. And they get to stay that way by constantly being presented as the “less-worse” option. But they aren’t. They are the enablers of the “more-worse” option every time. They sell out their base at every turn.
The future of this country is not in the hands of the Democratic party if this is the way of things.
Leadership Democrats: Fumble the ball for three downs, then throws an interception
“Well, its no longer my fault if the opposition scores.”
The democrats still think the populace is smart enough to look at the alternative and choose the less-worse option.
The country proves them wrong at every turn.
The problem is this attitude and the literally brain dead take that this is in any way strategic voting.
Democrats are a “barely, sometimes maybe not, less-worse option”. And they get to stay that way by constantly being presented as the “less-worse” option. But they aren’t. They are the enablers of the “more-worse” option every time. They sell out their base at every turn.