My name is not Luigi. Other facts about me:
- I like TTRPGs, but only the good ones
- I dislike Capitalism very much
- My favorite movie is The Princess Diaries
- I have between 0 and 16 children
- I’m not very cis. Not very cis at all
- I’m probably autistic but diagnosis is a fuck
- My ADHD was once described by a neuropsych as “particularly aggressive”
Reminds me of the time my balls were described by a doctor as “grossly unremarkable”
Getting owned by medical professionals
That is a hilarious thing to say about someone’s balls but also wtf doctor
taking this as a doctor passive-agressively seething at your perfect balls
Massively normal balls
They were throwing shade on your sack, amazing.
Broooo why did they say it like that lmao.
They could have just said “typical” or “expected” lmao they knew what they were doing.
Those balls are grossly … uh … unremarkable, yeah, uh, massively grossly unremarkable. I will cease remarking on them. Good day.