Mine is that the Disney+ shows should not have any impact on the movies, that they should just be on their own.
The MCU should have ended a little after Endgame. The MCU Earth is now fundamentally different than current Earth to the point where it is harder to write resonant stories in that Earth.
That the MCU had to reach into the idea of multiverses is a symptom that the plot baggage of the MCU is now a drag on the franchise.
Not really a big reader of the comics, but from my understanding the multiverse isn’t really a fringe topic. Seems like it’s been a pretty central aspect of the comics for decades.
It has been. Because that’s how story lines keep rolling. Letting death get in the way of the story is just a detail we can worry about another time.
They made a pretty good comic-accurate show about a big green lady and a few million extremely online teen boys had their penises fall off. RIP.
I also enjoyed the Captain Marvel movie, and even the Marvels was pretty decent compared to the rest of marvel’s recent crap. But they have female leads, so I guess they’re tainted with original sin.
It’s ok, they’ve learnt their lesson and won’t be tuning in for further projects.
Haha - right.
They’ve (Disney/Marvel) found new audience and the old audience can be serviced elsewhere. Everyone wins 👌
Well, honestly you’re not wrong.
They are extremely boring with little to no real threat and tedious fights where you know who’s going to win anyway
Character development? Probably the only actual thing that dies
With the first wave of movies I was really excited and enjoyed them immensely. Now the novelty has long since worn itself out. The cinematic universe plot is convoluted to a point of blandness. The multiple universe angle is stupid in comics and aggravating in cinema. The streaming series (across the board) instead of getting me interested in the movies has instead inoculated me against all of the Disney IP’'s.
Not exactly Marvel related, but I’m an adult now. Where are the movies dealing with mature themes and relatable plots?
Marvel movies are mostly dogshit. The Marvel multiverse is just an excuse for them to keep churning out dogshit movies indefinitely cause “LOL MULTIPLE UNIVERSES MAN, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE, NO NEED TO RETCON”
Yeah, it is kind of a plot hole cheat code, but I’d rather they come up with fun new ideas under that premise, than just keep doing the same thing, or half-assing retcons like soap operas do. (That was actually Steve’s evil twin the whole time, and THIS is the real Steve)
It’s always been garbage. Not this multiverse or after im3 or whatever. The movies have always been trash.
I feel the same way. I don’t mind anybody liking them, but I just don’t see the appeal. To me they’re so tremendously boring that I can’t stand watching them.
The actual hot take is that most of these movies are actually pretty good in the context of their correlation to source materials. As critically acclaimed movies: debatable; but as an adaptation? Unbelievably they tie a really neat rope around a hodge podge of different ideas and oddly make it work.
The truly hot take is that these movies serve there purpose well and do a great job being a vehicle for the story in the comics (sometimes)
The MCU has run out of steam after they got away from the A list heroes. It’s not that B- or C- list characters can’t do well, it’s just that it takes a talented writer/director to do it with a good movie, and Disney/Marvel just isn’t capable of getting that consistently on their own, they’re too safe & corporate. They’re just trying to recreate what made the original MCU run successful, but we’ve already seen that. I don’t know that there’s necessarily “superhero fatigue”, though trends in movies & pop culture come and go, that’s inevitable, but for me it’s more been “bad writing fatigue”, I’m just sick of their lazy ass shit writing, it’s insulting and I’m tired of being treated like that by the MCU.
The MCU did great with Guardians of the Galaxy, which were C tier at best.
I’m not sure how much credit Disney should get for that compared to James Gunn, considering they fired him and he was able to turn Suicide Squad into a hit as a result.
James Gunn did great with Guardians of the Galaxy. I’m not sure many others could’ve pulled it off as well.
When the MCU started I don’t think people considered Iron Man, Captain America, Thor as A list. They were just the properties they weren’t able to sell off yet. Doing these movies was a big gamble. They needed to succeed so they put their best effort into them and it paid off.
They kinda ruined it with the multiverse. Everything feels without consequence. Death is meaningless and there are no stakes now
I enjoyed the MCU up until Age of Ultron. The movies are almost all from the same mold, just with different names and look and that was true even before the first Avengers film. But it was new back then. The newness has worn off and it’s way past time the MCU evolves, or retires.
The exception are the Guardians of the Galaxy series. They are better made films that actually made me feel invested in the characters. The beginning of Guardians 3 is probably the best scene in the entire MCU.
Age of Ultron is where I started to check out too.
The last MCU movie I watched was Black Panther (the first). I enjoyed it well enough compared to the recent fair that I decided to go out on a high note.
Really? That awful CGI final act from black panther is so distractingly bad
By that point all the CGI was cringe AF, I can’t watch giant battle scenes without my minds eye seeing all the actors pantomiming on a massive green screen set. Really, one or two impressive practical effects and I might have stuck around longer.
At least BP had a couple new plot elements and wasn’t just the same movie with different beam colors. Not really new elements, but new for the MCU anyway.
Dude, it was just the lion king but worse. And tchalla character goes backwards, he was so cool in civil war (another overrated movie) but he’s punkd so hard in his own movie
For me, The Black Panther lost my interest when a super advanced, technologically-driven state decided that the best way to choose a ruler was to have two guys punch and kick each other.
Superhero movies are big budget police procedurals where the goal of the heroes is always to protect the status quo.
They pushed the stakes so high that when the fights are just everyone punching and kicking each other it’s stupid and silly.
It always makes me think of the reenactment of the battle of Pearl Harbor.
It should end.
Wait ten years, form some sort of idea and come back to it.
Overall? Meh.
I don’t hate it, but they’re not great either.
Stan Lee was a cunt.
I used to think he was Stanley until I saw a credit scene in the early marvel movies 😂