A lot of people do not seem to understand the implications of climate change. The majority of people do not deny that climate change is happening (well, at least outside of the United States), and most of them also understand that it’s humans causing it through emissions of greenhouse gases and land-use change. But they still don’t understand that they will probably die from it. Here are the most likely ways you could die because of climate change
All these fools out here having children, dooming them to suffer in this shithole of a reality. Good job parents. Selfish pricks.
To be fair, they probably don’t know anything about this.
The news isn’t talking about it, or if they are, they’re downplaying it, claiming it’s a ‘hoax’ (if it’s Fox) or that ’normal’, that we’re ‘just coming out of an ice age’, that ‘it’s not that bad’.
The billionaires and republicans are telling everyone that everything’s fine, keep spending, all is well. Their church groups are parroting this because they want to support republicans.
Or they live in an a country with little to no news service in their area at all.
They’ve been talking about climate change for 25+ years. Not being aware is not an excuse.
They’ve been downplaying it like crazy the last 25 years. Even comedians got in on it. I remember one of ‘em doing a skit on ‘oooh, one degree of warming! Soooo scary!’ ages ago.
I did, we weren’t going to have kids but decided to when we were in a financially and emotionally stable enough time in our lives.
We decided to have 1 child with the hopes that he can be a force for good. Maybe he’ll invent a solution to some of these problems. Or help find the cure to some climate borne diseases.
At the very least we’re raising him to be a compassionate human, who can at least offset one of the assholes who are helping ruin the place’s kids. We no nothing is guaranteed, but things are going well 7 years in. 11 more to go (I know it’s really more like 5 before we get tweeted out, and 20 before he can move out, but I can dream).
Out of curiosity, do you choose to not have children or are you single?
Seek therapy
This Koala has a mental health problem!
Is that your guilt speaking? Already pop a few out without thinking at all about what their future lives must look like? Nice one.
“everyone who has kids from now on is selfish and evil” statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged
From about 20 years+ ago actually. Curious how many kids you’ve got over there fellah, assuming you even know, “Assman”.
Humans aren’t going to stop reproducing just to conform to your deranged fantasies
Boy, I sure wish they would though.