Discussion thread for Foundation season 2 episode 2: “A Glimpse of Darkness”

Episode is live!


  • Everything pertaining to this episode and prior episodes

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  • Anything that pertains to episodes beyond the episode of this thread
  • FrostyCaveman@lemm.ee
    2 years ago

    Since the first episode aired I’ve finished reading Foundation and am part way through Foundation and Empire. Unlike what some more negative takes have said I actually think the adaptation has been pretty clever so far. It hasn’t been about maintaining every single plot point and the details of every character but rather stretching things around so we’ve got these persistent, familiar characters (and places) involved. I don’t think I’m far enough into the books (nor the tv series far enough into airing) to really judge how they’ve handled adapting the whole psychohistory concept.

    Poly Verisof makes his return this episode! I’m amused his TV series incarnation isn’t totally disconnected from the book character.

    I am a little perplexed as to the nature of this “Cloud Dominion”. I was under the impression Empire was pretty much the undisputed power that is - over the whole galaxy no less. Either the Dominion has broken away in the last 138 years, or it’s so small and remote that it wasn’t ever part of the Empire… in which case, why marry into their ruling dynasty? Is it all about the genetics? Maybe we will find out…

    Demerzels little smirks when she speaks to Brother Day are creeping me out haha