Like…I have some things I have vague interest in, I guess.
But not anything I have ever put time into, or am good at, or am knowledgeable enough to hold a conversation.

Maybe I’m just depressed…maybe I’ve always been depressed…or maybe I’m just missing some kind of spark most other humans have.

Like how does someone just know or decide like…”yeah I’m really into architecture.”?
I don’t know if I’ve ever felt like that…I feel like I’ve tried and it’s never lasted.

I feel like I’ve spent half my life just addicted to social media and video games and that’s no longer working.

  • urmums401k [she/her, they/them]
    2 months ago

    So, you sound pretty depressed, but also like nobody’s shown much of an interest in you thriving or you weren’t able to return it or… Something. and thats super fucked.

    Here’s what I recommend: do the shit you need to do, but see if you can do it better. Dont do it the easy way, do it the awesome way.

    You could microwave that potato and put butter on it, or you could do something fancy with green onions and a fancy sauce. Start simple, embellish a little. Set goals. Even gamify it. Just get really good at the shit you needed to do anyway.

    Maybe you’ll find the advanced level of driving or cooking or whatever is fun or calming or engaging. Maybe you’ll just get better at basic life shit.

    And if that doesn’t find you anything to really get into; start asking yourself ‘how hard could that be?’ then find the answer as you make cat strangling noises on a violin or build the worst table ever. Keep going til you can do a sorta decent one, unless you really hate it. You’ll probably pick up a bunch of skills at a level where you can do basic tasks or assist on more advanced projects. Maybe you’ll find one you love. Try showing stuff off to people you like and trust. See if that does anything for you.

    And I’m down to talk with you about the thing youre trying.