A client library and UI for Lemmy, has most of the basics in working order now. interested to hear your feedback if you give it a go. other complex UI features like rich post composing and image handling will be ported from mastodon.el.

it is designed to have a clean API layer, so the functions in lem-api.el could be used to create other interfaces.

    • @blawsybogsyOP
      10 months ago

      does that really matter? its clear that lem.el is an Emacs library, and is thus named as such (.el), and is thus not a standalone piece of software. I really don’t think its a problem. there are no Emacs libraries with the same name.

  • @Borgzilla
    210 months ago

    Oh man, this is cool. Is anyone currently working on a Lemmy client for Emacs? I don’t know much Elisp, but this would be a good project to cut my teeth on.

    • @blawsybogsyOP
      10 months ago

      lem.el also implements a client, similar in design to mastodon.el. i did the api layer so that others could implement other kinds of interfaces such as a gnus backend if they desired.