    2 years ago

    Disagree with that google is a liar selling to third-parties your private data, as there is no evidence to support such a claim. People who claim that do not understand that Google sells only statistics, not individual data because they need those data for themselves to maintain power. If you give all away you ruin yourself or your business. I guess the word or phrase - your data - is depending on how you define it, I see my clicks on random page x which deliberately implant google stuff on their site not as my data. My data would be my IP or phone number, and there is no evidence for that.

    I usually do not defend nor bash Google but some should stay neutral otherwise you are in a room and do not see the light switch because everything you try to see is darkness.

    Funny enough people bashing Google because it brings the clicks, while you give a rats ass when your Bank, in the real world might actually give your data away, perhaps to google intentionally or unintentionally trough cloud and the feds monitoring every real data + transactions, and no one except a view cry here.

    Rest of the article is okay-ish.

    –process-per-site is these days obsolete, reason I do not suggest it is that this creates extra yield on CPU and causes page swaps, constantly. It also is only efficient when you have less than 20 tabs opened because there is a process limit.