It gets dark too soon
Reminder that 2 years ago getting rid of it unanimously passed the senate, but not the house, so we’re still stuck with it. It’s an excellent example to point to about how both parties never get anything actually beneficial done no matter how universally popular it is, but somehow manage to give trillions to Israel no problem. It’s something just about any American can wrap their head around.
I want to point out that it only passed the Senate because nobody knew what they were voting for and nobody bothered to block it. After they found out what the bill actually was a bunch of Senators came out against it, after they had already passed it.
You mean we passed a bill that actually helps people?!
Even the FARMERS hate it, even though it’s ostensibly for them.
I recall reading a Reddit thread on /r/farming where they were all removed about how fucking pointless and stupid it is, with one user commenting “My work day starts when the sun rises, and the sun doesn’t care what our fucking clocks say what time it is”
Unlimited genocide on daylight savings time
People say it’s for farmers, but obviously that’s nonsense. The intention was to reduce energy use, by shifting things so when people get off work they spend more time outside instead of inside using energy.
Also because the guy who came up with it wanted to spend more time catching bugs iirc.
Also if it has any effect on energy use it’s unclear which direction and it’s less than 1% either way, which is not enough to justify the increased car accidents, heart attacks, etc. that happen every time we shift the clocks.
I’m with you, but I’m gonna be pedantic anyway: Daylight saving time is the summer time with more light in the evening. Standard time is the garbage one we’re about to switch back to where it gets dark super early.
this is a good point, but the abrupt change twice per year is harmful regardless of which ends up being the permanent time.
100%, and this is my ultimate belief, I’m happy with either way as long as we stop fucking with the clocks
In that case death to standard time
Seriously fuck this shit. Starting next week gonna be fucking dark out when i leave for work and dark out half an hour before I leave work. Super stoked to not have any waking hours during daylight to do what I want on weekdays for the next 4 months.
“I forgot how dark winters are” I exclaim every year, forgetting that The Man has Fucked With The Clock
The problem is all summer I lie to myself and say it’s really not so bad except for like 6 weeks from the end of December till February then we change the clocks and I have to get blinded by giant fucking trucks for 45 minutes every night.
This is a serious problem and not a petty personal grievance that’s an obvious consequence of living whre I chose to.
Yeah exactly. Winters are dark, but it’s really only 6-7 weeks, or it would be if it WEREN’T FOR THE FUCKING FARMERS GETTING TO DECIDE OUR CLOCKS FOR SOME REASON DEATH TO THEM DEATH TO FARMERS I WILL BE THE REVERSE POL POT DEATH- [Editors note: The rant continues for 15 minutes in like manner. Transcription ends here]
1 / (Pol Pot) = Push Plate
This joke is flying over my head, but I am sure it’s very funny so I’ve upbeared it
the reverse (i’m using mathematical inverse here) of “Pull Pot” is “Push Plate”
That is funny and very clever! Thanks for explaining it
Also big fan of your profile name
The fucking tractors can drive themselves with GPS and track how much they’ve harvested through sensors to know when to swap tractors. Pretty sure they can figure out how to turn on the fucking headlights.
DST sucks. i often think about how it probably kills a measurable number of people every year by slightly spiking car accidents and stuff in the morning when the time goes back.
you’re exactly right, it is measurable.
pedestrian deaths:
deaths of despair:
Heart attacks and strokes go up too iirc
We’re about to get off of dst. You want to stay on dst and eliminate standard time.
On the one hand, DST is annoying and disruptive. On the other hand, it no longer serves any practical purpose whatsoever.
Really glad we still have to put up with this shit.
On the other hand, it no longer serves any practical purpose whatsoever.
In a way this would be a positive. Or there’s a bright side. We can, as a society, all agree to do something completely pointless and stupid. Would be cool if we funnelled that energy towards something sillier. What if we all agreed that a certain tuesday just didn’t exist or something? I dunno, could be wacky, could be nice. Instead we have DST.
Counterpoint: death to capitalism, death to the workday
Also that, but in any society there will probably be broad agreement about chronology (yes I know watch time came as a result of industrial revolution and the attitude we have now is very recent and so on and so forth) so we do risk creating a socialist utopia with daylight savings just as a result of when people meet each other. If everyone around you says it’s 6 pm then it’s 6 pm and if there’s cultural values tied to 6 pm, like “now it’s evening” then it’s the evening.
couldnt give less of a fuck about the difference between standard and daylight savings time, i just hate the switching
Death to America
5 pm is too early for it to be dark
it’s gonna be dark a lot in winter whether we use standard time or daylight savings, the difference between it being dark early in the evening or late into the morning is just a matter of taste
Death to America
You have it backwards. Death to standard time. Daylight savings is during the summer. We’re about to go back to regular time.
Ah whoops, well you know what I mean. The concept of daylight savings I guess
That’s just changing your territory over to an adjacent time zone. Still kills the whole "daylight savings"nonsense of changing clocks.
The main removed in here is that 5pm is too early to be dark. It’s a tiny inconvenience at best to change the clocks. Most things do it on their own, now.
My body does not.
The jump in car accidents and heart attacks begs to differ.
But I agree, my biggest problem is that 5pm is too early for it to be dark. Death to standard time.
It’s also a pain for software development and related fields. Xkcd did a strip about it.
I do shift work so when DST hits I usually get an extra hour of work that day.
I know that feeling. Have some buddies working on ships and on the days that shift rollover happens… Despair
I’ve heard stories of people losing their birthdays by crossing the date line, lol
Correct opinion, any other is wrong
My question is, when are we going to spend some of this daylight that we have saved up?
It’s the grey men from momo, stealing our time
We’ll never get it back unless we raid their vault of stolen time
If there were no time zones it would be the same time everywhere on Earth.
in theory yes, but in practice 6 pm would just become “morning time” for whoever lived where 6 pm occured in the morning. The way we think about time is in many ways a cultural construction. There’s linguists that write about this, it’s pretty interesting
So many ways in which this shithole country is still hopelessly stuck in the past
And we’ll never get out without force (and force is swiftly crushed by the shithole’s surveillance apparatus)
Daylight savings time sucks because its noon is offset from solar noon, but I think most people think we’re going to daylight savings time when we’re actually exiting daylight savings time into standard time. Standard time is better because its noon is (mostly) synced with solar noon. And since we spend the majority of the year in daylight savings time, the noon that’s on our clocks doesn’t actually correspond to anything since the sun is at its highest at like 1pm. Real simulacrum hours.
People get confused because the names are absurd and backwards. How is it “Daylight Saving” when you move the daylight towards the evening? Thats Daylight Spending if anything. We’re putting it where we can use more of it! Daylight Saving would be shifting away from the evening.
But also I don’t particularly care if clock noon matches solar noon. I don’t want to leave work in the dark, and it would be significantly easier to stay on DST year round than to force every business and employer to shift their hours forward so I don’t leave work in the dark.
How is it “Daylight Saving” when you move the daylight towards the evening? Thats Daylight Spending if anything.
Jerry Seinfeld, is that you?
Ah fuck. Can I cop out and say I mean the concept of DST then? Obviously we’d stay on summer time.