imogen_underscore [it/its, she/her]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 28th, 2024


  • cultural genocide by the Brits followed by attained whiteness by the Irish people. true irish or celtic culture is more or less dead and buried, attained whiteness was the nail in the coffin. not trying to be like boohoo this privilege sucks or anything but that destruction is a tragedy. for a time we held a unique position in the racial hierarchy of the empire - mainly treated like a colony all the way up to early 20th century but on the other hand - for one example - we were never subject to conscription resulting in mass death like the African colonies of the time. but we were also not (yet) a white dominion like Australia or Canada who were permitted to sort out the conscription issue themselves.

  • FYI everyone this guy is obviously an Irish millennial who has never really accepted that ireland is part of Europe and that Irish culture was assimilated into hegemonic white anglo culture sometime last century. I’m sure they are privileged enough to have hardly noticed the rise of actual white supremacy on the island in the last decade or so too. our “culture” as it stands is not worth defending. hitler-detector

    people here (like this guy) love to act like racism isn’t a problem here and we could never be as racist as the French or the Americans or whatever because we were colonised. but that’s nonsense talk coming from a free stater these days and everyone knows it. our country is as rotten and racist as any western EU state at this point.

  • so I’m a few years in, and the dysphoria hits a lot less than it used to. conversely so does the euphoria, it’s all just very normal to me now, which is fine and cool. but when the euphoria does hit… it’s a real treat. last night i was preening a bit in the mirror over my hair, which is probably my favourite physical feature of mine. it’s overgrown at the moment so instead of my preferred messy short-ish bangs I’ve got a middle part. my fringe has grown enough to be past the awkward stage and I actually quite like the style on me now. for fun I decided to sweep my whole fringe sideways for a scene hair kinda look… i looked really cute, but I wasn’t prepared for the emotional impact on my little emo heart. i just really had one of those we made it moments. I broke down happy crying, totally overwhelmed (I had been feeling fairly dysregulated throughout the day). those moments, while they might end up fewer and farther between, make it all worth it. cultivate and cherish trans joy comrades. love you all