• mindbleach@sh.itjust.works
    22 hours ago

    A feature that costs Blizzard nothing, given an obscene price larger than any game or expansion they’ve ever sold, dangled with rationality-undermining time pressure, and using some bullshit tokens for artificial scarcity.

    Only legislation will stop this.

    Nothing inside a video game should cost real money.

    If we allow this to continue, there will be nothing else.

      • Pyr_Pressure@lemmy.ca
        21 minutes ago

        I disagree with letting whales waste their money.

        Video game design has changed to specifically cater to whales and ignore regular gamers.

      • mindbleach@sh.itjust.works
        5 hours ago

        You’re a libertarian who has personally told me corporations have unlimited right to manipulate people out of their money.

        Sorry if I’m misremembering - you might’ve said “exploit.”

        • sugar_in_your_tea@sh.itjust.works
          5 hours ago

          Not unlimited, but certainly a lot of flexibility. As long as they don’t commit fraud, I think they should be allowed to provide whatever services their customers are willing to pay for.

          That said, I won’t participate, and I’ll be vocal about calling out their terrible business models. But I won’t go so far as to suggest legislation to solve a “problem” of adults making poor choices. People should always be free to make stupid choices, provided those choices don’t hurt others. I am sympathetic to some limits around kids, but those limits shouldn’t apply to adults. So maybe slap an “M” rating on a game if it has microtransactions or something and restrict direct sales to underage kids (enforcement should be lax though to avoid privacy violations).

          The indie game scene is vibrant, and there are still plenty of AAA games without that nonsense. So play those and send a message to these companies that non-abusive games are absolutely still wanted. Also, be vocal about these exploitative practices by companies to convince others to avoid their products.

          • mindbleach@sh.itjust.works
            4 hours ago

            Choice does not excuse systemic abuse for profit. People choose scams all the time. That’s how they work!

            As previously mentioned, fuck them kids. This is about abuses committed against adults. This is about the central nature of games, and how they invent value, of a sort completely incompatible with cash money. The exchange rate between enchanted scimitars and hamburgers is nonexistent.

            There’s no technical reason to connect remote auctioneering to this… horse. Blizzard does it so they can gouge people you’ve given a derisive label. Every player is affected. Every player knows this is possible, and the overwhelming majority of them are denied. The game was made objectively worse for them, through their engineered dissatisfaction, specifically to bilk some tiny fraction for unreasonable quantities of money. Enough money, per person in that tiny group, to make kneejerk excuses like ‘just boycott!’ utterly useless.

            Being vocal doesn’t matter - the money talks louder.

            Only legislation will fix this.

            I don’t think you disagree with that. You don’t want the problem fixed. You’re denying the problem is a problem, even as you describe “whales” like you’d describe “problem gamblers” or “scam victims.” So what if they made bad choices? You didn’t. It was easy, apparently. Good choices abound! Therefore, rampant exploitation of human frailty doesn’t count.

            • sugar_in_your_tea@sh.itjust.works
              4 hours ago

              The game was made objectively worse for them

              And I think Blizzard recognizes that WoW has largely run its course, so it’s trying to extract maximum profit from those who remain. That’s what happens when a company shifts from innovation to profit maximization, and it should be a signal for players to move on.

              ‘just boycott!’ utterly useless

              It’s only useless if your metric for success is Blizzard changing their behavior. But if you shift your metric of success to “less predatory companies are viable,” it can absolutely be a success.

              Depending on your metric of “success,” maybe legislation is the only option. But we don’t need every company to behave “properly” (however you define that) in order to have a competitive market for games. If you look beyond the handful of top-grossing games w/ manipulative in-game stores, you’ll find a vibrant market of games to play.

              “scam victims.”

              A scam is something else entirely. “Problem gambling” is largely a choice, and if you ask any gambler, they’ll be able to confirm that they understand that the casino always wins eventually, but that they continue to play because they think “this time will be different.” However, if you ask a scam victim, they’ll tell you they thought the scammer was legitimate and continued because they honestly believed they were making a good choice. Those are very different things.

              Games fall under the “problem gambling” umbrella (players know what they’re paying for), not the “scam” umbrella (it’s rare for players to not know what they’re getting for their money). If there are incidents of the latter (e.g. loot boxes with lower than advertised odds of getting something of value), those should be aggressively litigated by regulators, and honestly anything where there isn’t a guarantee (i.e. not paying X to get Y product) should be considered “gambling” and regulated as such (restricted for minors, age verification required, etc).

              Spending $90 for a mount is a stupid decision, but it’s not a fraudulent transaction if you get the mount when you pay. I don’t think that should be regulated, but it should spark outcry from news orgs and players and push people away from the game.

              I see spending stupid amounts of money on a game to be similar to spending stupid amounts of money on any other vanity purchase, like lifted trucks, designer clothing, or expensive jewelry. If you want to buy those things, you should absolutely be allowed to, even if a lot of people would say it’s a stupid idea if they understood your finances. Adults must be free to make stupid choices, and the only limits IMO should be if you were deceived and wouldn’t have made the choice if you had more accurate information.

              • mindbleach@sh.itjust.works
                1 hour ago

                Ignoring how thousands of brand-new games pull this shit from day one.

                The existence of good options means nothing. This abuse should be criminal. The fact companies don’t have to commit this intolerable exploitation against their users, does not lessen the problem when some companies do it anyway. If you just mean to nitpick the word “nothing,” sure, congratulations. Someone somewhere will dodge this bullet. But I’m on about all the people getting taken by this systemic problem that’s already half the industry by revenue.

                Any real money spent in games was defrauded, because all apparent value was made-up. As surely as someone selling you the deed to scrap the Brooklyn Bridge. The paper is real! You get the paper! But the paper is not why you handed someone a suitcase full of cash. There was a story you were told, and it’s not real. That’s what games are.

                Games make you value worthless things. That is what makes them games. There is no real-world value to points or shards or rare drops. They’re arbitrary goals with arbitrary obstacles. They’re achievable so that your brain will squirt the happy juice. But treating them as valuable, the way money is valuable, is a category error.

                The small charges are more insidious. Like the naked greed of paying instead of watching a counter tick down - a transaction that is neither a good nor a service. Or the lootboxes that everyone now agrees are intolerable, once the industry has moved on to calling them keys. Or anything consumable, proving your money went to something so worthless, the game will just hands them out in unbounded quantities. Even peacocking for other players makes people go, oh, it’s just a dollar. It’s just cosmetic. It’s just the only reason the game exists in the first place, to grind you against that constant nagging temptation.

                These games are no longer optimized to make you feel good when you’re good at them.

                They’re optimized to make you feel good when you open your wallet and look away.

                And until you do, they’re as addictive and frustrating as we can manage.

                This business model is built on exploitation of innate human shortcomings. Your brain is not very good at distinguishing sources of happy juice. It can easily be tricked, and literally the entire games industry exists to trick it. Again: that’s what games are. Their enjoyability comes from that fiction. That’s why pretending any of it can have real monetary value is a scam.

                • sugar_in_your_tea@sh.itjust.works
                  21 minutes ago

                  I’m on about all the people getting taken by this systemic problem

                  What do you mean by “taken”? Were they not aware of what they were buying? Was there fraud at any point in the transaction?

                  A bad deal isn’t criminal, it’s only criminal if it’s misrepresented. And given that there are a ton of repeat customers, I fail to see how it’s being misrepresented. When exactly did the fraud take place? Did the customer get something other than what they expected to get?

                  At the end of the day, all value is made-up, especially with digital licenses. I may value a cosmetic skin a lot more highly than you do, but that doesn’t mean I was defrauded, it just means I find more value in it than you.

                  The small charges are more insidious

                  Oh, they absolutely are, and I definitely don’t like the stupid dopamine machine that mobile gaming has become. But you also have to understand that the value in paying for a ton of MTX in those games is often less about those incremental dopamine hits and more about showing off to friends/randoms online (Look how big my base is! Look how cool my character looks! Look how high on the leaderboard I am!). That’s the real dopamine hit IMO, and that’s where the analogy with luxury items comes in (lifted trucks, designer bags, etc).


                  This one is different and I consider it gambling, and it should be regulated as such, because the value is undetermined.

                  These games are no longer optimized to make you feel good when you’re good at them.

                  Right, these are casual games, where you can pay to appear successful. That’s what luxury goods are. If I go into debt to buy a fancy car, I look rich to other people, and that gives me that dopamine hit. This is just the digital equivalent of that, in many cases.

                  The F2P players are being used to give these whales an audience so they can flaunt their “skill” (read: how much they paid).

                  That’s why pretending any of it can have real monetary value is a scam.

                  And that’s where I disagree. It’s only a scam if you get something other than what was advertised. If the advertising is simply “buy this to instantly complete X” and buying it instantly completes X, then there’s no fraud, therefore no scam. You paid a stupid tax for being impatient, and you did that while understanding that you’re buying a temporary high.

                  Just because something is addictive doesn’t mean it’s a scam. Cigarettes and alcohol aren’t scams. Gambling isn’t a scam. Lotteries aren’t scams. Using any of them to excess is a really bad idea, but I don’t think they’re scams. And that’s why I think any legislation should be limited to kids, since kids are assumed to be more susceptible to dark patterns and addictions, whereas adults are assumed to have responsibility for their own actions.

    • taladar@sh.itjust.works
      11 hours ago

      Nothing inside a video game should cost real money.

      I wouldn’t go that far, otherwise you would also kill off essentially third parties producing content a la Second Life or the asset stores in various game engines as well as services provided by players to other players.

      • mindbleach@sh.itjust.works
        8 hours ago

        Developing a video game is not “inside a video game.”

        When somebody’s playing raid sherpa or whatever, pay them in gold.

        Even if stopping this cuts off some legitimate niche - that beats letting it swallow the entire industry.

        • taladar@sh.itjust.works
          3 hours ago

          You are advocating for a game specific solution to a general capitalism problem. It would be much better to ban absurdly high profit margins in general than to be extremely heavy-handed in the game industry and let the problem continue in all the other areas where it actually matters a lot more.

  • Duamerthrax@lemmy.world
    1 day ago

    I already disrespect WoW and Blizzard players in general. This is entirely in character for them.

  • Rhynoplaz@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    I guess if this was all I did outside of work and sleep, I’d probably buy it. Mailbox and auction house access is priceless.

    But, I got shit to do and mouths to feed, so, I don’t WoW no mo’.

    • CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
      7 hours ago

      Mailbox and auction house access is priceless.

      Create the problem, sell the solution.

      There’s no reason not to let all players access their mail and auction house anywhere through the menus, except that Blizzard has decided to paywall that ‘feature’.

    • ImplyingImplications@lemmy.ca
      2 days ago

      These headlines keep saying $90 mount but it’s basically “$90 access the mailbox and auction house from anywhere, and also get a mount”.

      • cdipierr@lemmy.world
        2 days ago

        But also, isn’t the reason these WoW Tokens are low is because people are trading their in-game gold for it instead of actually paying $90 cash??

        • alianne@lemmy.world
          2 days ago

          Yep! People will buy WoW tokens from the auction house with gold, and they can either redeem the tokens for $15 of shop balance or 30 days of game time. I like making gold in game, so anything I’ve bought from Blizzard over the last few years (including WoW expansions and other games) has been with gold.

          The price of tokens went up by about 100,000 gold after this mount got announced and they were selling out fairly regularly for the rest of the day. It seems to have stabilized now, though.

          • essell@lemmy.world
            7 hours ago

            Where do the tokens come from?

            Are people buying them from Blizzard for real cash and then listing them in the auction house?

            • alianne@lemmy.world
              6 hours ago

              Yes, people pay $20 to buy a WoW token from the cash shop which then gets sold on the in game auction house. That person gets in game gold (the amount fluctuates), and the person who bought the token from the auction house gets their choice of either $15 of shop balance or 30 days of game time.

              • essell@lemmy.world
                5 hours ago

                Sounds for me like Blizzard have taken over the role of the gold sellers themselves and with the same ethical standards.

    • M600@lemmy.world
      2 days ago

      It’s kind bad that it’s only for a limited time. People who are not paying now will have a mechanical disadvantage that cannot be overcome.

      I wouldn’t mind as much if this was always available, but locking it up after a time feels like it’s selling limited time cheats.

      • Voytrekk@lemmy.world
        2 days ago

        I think it will be common enough that they can easily access an auction house when they need it in the world. They may also introduce another one in the future, but at a higher price.

    • GregorGizeh@lemmy.zip
      2 days ago

      As an occasionally returning player, I think the ah access is massively overrated. What is it that people are buying from there that they can’t buy in the capital, but at the same time must be available on the road?

      I have need for an auction house off road maybe once a month? Probably less often. And when I do I can just log onto a banking alt located right at an auction house, mail it to my main and grab it from any mailbox (engineering has portable mailboxes too by the way).

      • Mora@pawb.social
        2 days ago

        For farmers this effectively eliminates the need for an auctioneer alt. Now instead of sending mail to your auctioneer, you can now farm and when your bags are full instantly list it on the auction house. This is especially important on early markets (lets say new patch or expansion) as the prices go down quickly. This feels very much P2W for a full price game with a subscription.