Maybe the “Cosby-is-Rapist” thing could have worked if Cosby were unknown. But…
He’s been famous for 5 decades. Beloved by US elites. The star of a hit NBC prime-time show. Oprah [probably] suggested he should run for President. Hung out with rappers and billionaires. The Clintons [probably would have gone to] his wedding [if he was younger].
And – just 3 years ago! - he was considered to be the most important black man in America and nobody except MSNBC viewers remembers the basement filled with chains, his gang of henchmen or other serial rapist behavior.
And it’s been all tried before, including this same Woody Allen crap. Has the stench of desperation.
“He won’t actually send you to death camps”
- People least likely to end up at the camps
Oh this is funnier when you know about Ernst Rohm?
is this the Glenn Greenwald? When did a jounalist who helped reveal the Snowden leaks turn MAGA dipshit?
He’s been big on promoting Russian government talking points for a while now.
Yeah I think this isn’t the first time I read some questionable statement from him :/
Also the same Glenn Greenwald who repeatedly talked about the danger he was in because of what he reported on the U.S. government… while safely living in Brazil.
To be fair, Bolsonaro would have extradited his own family for the right price.
This was long before that.
What was long before what?
Greenwald complaining that the U.S. would come and get him at any moment. Long before Balsonaro was in power.
Mhh… Bolsonaro came to power in 2019 - Greenwald being worried about his safety in Brazil wasn’t on my radar before, but then again I would not exactly consider Brazil a country safe from CIA hitmen. But I just saw that Greenwald lost his husband in late spring 2023, so that might explain his going ga-ga. Mourning does things to some people’s minds. :/
This was when Snowden leaked all the info to him, which was 2013. He spent like 3 years regularly saying his life was in danger. It was not.
I hope Trump gets “loyal” generals like Hitler had
Obviously the takeaway here is that we should blame Oprah for 2016. /s
Oprah is responsible for Dr Oz, Dr Phil, and Jenny McCarthy. She is one of the most harmful people of the 21st century.
She’s the equivalent of Joe Rogan
On the plus side her episodes weren’t three hours long.
Fuck Oprah, she’s been a piece of shit since the 80s
Didn’t Trump’s Dad actually know Hitler?
Also likely a member of the KKK.
Big fan too
his family came from Germany
Wasn’t Trump belittled like the tool that he is back when he was appearing on Howard Stearn? He’s always been a suck-ass
“Hitler went to jail after the beer putsch! He has learned his lesson!”