Big update as always. I’m interested in seeing the new cel shading on characters.

    3 hours ago

    Undecided on the gameplay changes, I will need to get into some games tonight and see how they feel. However, I am pretty happy with the direction of the hero changes this patch, particularly the nerfs to Shiv and Seven’s balls. Not that Seven was OP, but he was extremely obnoxious and un-fun to play against considering everyone was building into the ball and spamming it constantly.

    I mostly play Paradox and Vindicta, so I’m happy to see some changes to them. Paradox was fairly well balanced already in my opinion, but the buffs to Kinetic Carbine play into the high movement, roaming ganker playstyle which is very fun. Vindicta has felt quite a bit tougher to play since the mega-nerfs a while ago, so hopefully this update helps with that though she will always be a difficult hero to balance because her movement and range is so unique. It’s kinda sad to see the Assassinate souls-sharing be removed entirely as I thought it was an interesting team support mechanic on a hero that otherwise feels like it has a very stereotypically selfish DPS carry kind of vibe. Again, I get that it was a difficult mechanic to balance due to its uniqueness so maybe it’s for the best. We will see if it returns.

      2 hours ago

      Do you build a railgun Paradox and or do you build into the time bomb at all?

      My playstyle on her is mind gaming people into standing somewhat still, for long enough to eat a bunch of time bomb pulses.

      This duration change, along with the area growing with each pulse, added in the last big patch, now makes the time bomb utterly insane imo.

    11 hours ago

    Shiv nerf. Been waiting for that.

    Interesting urn changes, there are now six drop off locations, which will change depending on what team is in the lead. Losing team will be able to drop it off closer to base, winning team has to take it towards enemy base.

    Oh boy Paradox got a fun change. You can now increase the pulses on the time bomb by increasing ability duration. I got eight pulses totaling over 2000 damage (plus they apply damage amp stacks) by using superior duration+magic carpet (which is the only other item that gives ability duration for some reason).

    Throw in a echo shard and range extension and you can make some zones enemies REALLY wont want to be in :D

    Vindicta: Fire rate now scales with Spirit Power (0.14)

    Vindicta is the new Grey Talon

    9 hours ago

    Lots of huge changes, not sure how I feel about some. I love the Urn adjustments toward being a better comeback mechanism, it was definitely more of a snowball mechanism before.

    The changes to backdooring and to Walkers and Guardians I’m very on the fence about. It’s very clear they want game speed to go down (and at least in my Emissary games they have definitely often been going 40+ minutes). Will be very interesting how it plays out, from the looks of it all your buildings will just fall apart after 14 minutes now. Also really encourages rat gameplay, splitpushing and suiciding objectives which I don’t really enjoy.

    Not surprised Shiv got the nerf bat, he was out of hand. Very surprised Infernus and McGinnis weren’t nerfed harder, especially Infernus. For me personally I’m happy about the Mirage buffs as I spam him, I think the Spirit build will be actually good now.

    Kinda sad to see Leap gutted even though it was clearly overpowered. There is something to be said for allowing items that are that fun to be a little broken.

  • TrippyFocus
    12 hours ago

    Glad they’re pushing urn as a comeback mechanic even more with the slightly easier deposit point.

    Also changing the comeback benefit to only kicking in at a 8% soul gap makes sense, was kind of dumb that having a 1k difference had them kick in lol.

    Lot of other changes too, haven’t had a chance to read them all.