Do you have a fool-proof method?
Test link -
I have Internet Download Manager and it has browser integration. But the programmer can be very annoying. It stopped working 100% of the time. And I guess he’s not going to fix it. And I bet he won’t even make the link available so I can grab it with another app.
I also use It used to be golden but starting yesterday it’s gives me 403 error sometimes.
At - I tried all the download links to other sites but it seems the site was abandoned. The links are dead and the sites that work - also generated 403 yesterday. I’m about to try right now but I expect 403s again.
yeah yt-dlp is the goat for sure. Does a lot of sites besides youtube too. I use it for any old m3u8 video embed I find too, plus twitch vods, etc etc. Not the most user friendly for those that don’t like CLI but there are GUI frontends