Dumb question: how does shirts v skins work for girls? Did the just never pick girls for skins or did they make girls compete in a bra? Cause that sounds kinda shady…
I’m a dude, but it was the same for the girls at my school: skins wore their shirts, and shirts wore a second communal sleeveless track shirt over their shirt. So we called it skins and shirts, but really it was shirts and double-shirts
Dumb question: how does shirts v skins work for girls? Did the just never pick girls for skins or did they make girls compete in a bra? Cause that sounds kinda shady…
When I was a kid (80s-90s), we just wore a coloured pinny.
The word “pinny” pulled forth visceral memories of my middle school. Wow, impressive.
By the late 90’s early 00’s my school started doing the same for boys.
Agreed, I’d never heard of going shirtless lol
I’d completely forgotten about them.
I remember, I remember the smell, it’s in me, forever
I’m a dude, but it was the same for the girls at my school: skins wore their shirts, and shirts wore a second communal sleeveless track shirt over their shirt. So we called it skins and shirts, but really it was shirts and double-shirts
My middle school has uniforms, but HS had cheap, shitty thow-over red and blue vests for gym class.
My school just had yellow jersey type things but the holes were bigger to identify a team
From my experience in 90s gym class, the girls are taken to a separate auxiliary gym to do aerobics while the boys do team vs team games.
Ok yeah that makes sense.
I did a lot of weight lifting in HS because of this.