Steam is so easy to enter game launch parameters. Why is Heroic so difficult? I’m having a terrible time playing Bioshock remastered, the wait times for saving, hacking, and purchases at the Gatherers Gardens are anywhere from 2-5 minutes. I found a parameter that should help but I have no idea if I’m entering it in the right location.
Where do i enter the parameters in Heroic Game Launcher?

    13 hours ago

    Game Settings > Advanced > Game Arguments

    This is where you’d enter any args the same way you would on windows. Everything else is wine/linux specific stuff.

    (No need for %command% like in steam when running a game through proton)

    You can use the little “help” button to view tooltips about each config option in Heroic. This one for example says how the field is for stuff like “-nolauncher” when you click it.