> I’m torn. Both Galadriel and Sauron say the other is a threat to Middle-earth.
One has to be wrong, so whom am I to trust? Should I trust the Dark Lord who
attempted to topple the White City of Gondor, dominate all life, and attempt to
stay in power for eternity? Or do I trust the Elf Queen representing the
coalition of Men and Elves who defeated Sauron when he tried to enslave the Free
Peoples… but could maybe do more meet-and-greets?
This is funny bc Galadriel used a super-weapon derrived from the Ringcraft of Sauron to hold Lothlorien apart from the change and decay of the world, an end of history if you wull. Also pretty much everything is rhe Noldor’s fault.
This is funny bc Galadriel used a super-weapon derrived from the Ringcraft of Sauron to hold Lothlorien apart from the change and decay of the world, an end of history if you wull. Also pretty much everything is rhe Noldor’s fault.