Just a reminder that Amazon will promote these fake stores more than real independent stores. If you can not find the store, it’s 99% fake. Some of these are Trademarked, you can trace it back to China in some cases. Some are bad, some aren’t, still the products won’t last forever. These products are build by the cheapest material possible. You don’t need a extension, you just need to google these fake stores because they won’t put in the effort in making fake websites. The ones that do put in effort are poorly made, a red flag.

So to recap:

  1. Don’t buy from Amazon, avoid the problem

  2. Look up fake store, if you found something

  3. Study the website/trademark for clues

  • hiddengoat@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    For the most part, if you see a brand name in ALLCAPS just avoid it. There are a handful that are fine. NEEWER is one I’ve bought numerous things from but even then if you look around you’ll see that they’re basically just another rebrander of products someone else OEM’s. That’s fine, and they’ve never been a problem for me.

    But IFXSAKY or EVIFED or HJKFDS or whatever other six-letter ALLCAPS combo was used for that particular false front listing is usually a trash-tier drop shipper.

  • LSALH@kbin.social
    8 months ago

    Actually interesting my friend. Appreciate you. Guess my Dhuvdo brand vacuum isn’t long for this world eh?