The series starred Mindy Kaling and was based on the beloved “Scooby-Doo” character. Season 2 of the show debuted back in April. The series served a prequel to “Scooby-Doo,” with Velma and the other members of Mystery Inc. as high school students solving mysteries in the town of Crystal Cove.

While there will not be a third season of “Velma,” a Halloween special debuted on Max on Oct. 3.

“Velma” proved polarizing from the the outset, with the first season holding just a 38% critical approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes. In his review for Variety, Joshua Alston wrote “[These] characters are just really unpleasant to spend time with, and it starts at the top with Velma, whose selfish and misanthropic tendencies aren’t diluted by her moments of vulnerability.”

    5 days ago

    It’s one of those shows that feels like the creators really wanted to make an original project instead. I don’t understand why this character had to be Velma, she doesn’t act like Velma. If it was a more general parody of the teen detective genre, I still don’t think I’d like it, but it wouldn’t annoy me either.