• TheOubliette
    3 hours ago

    I just don’t understand why we can’t start the exact same revolution these people want during the primaries.

    Revolution does not follow the electoral cycle. PSL is constantly doing work. This is just a vehicle for reaching those who do not understand politics beyond electoralism and to raise the correct position that both capitalist parties create and maintain our oppression.

    There is not going to be a revolutionary movement that begins work during a primary and then has completed the revolution at its end. Revolutionary work requires building organizations over years and decades.

    It would make much more sense to win over/capture the party and then push that platform in the general.

    The party will never allow that lmao. Every attempt to work within the most viable party for this, the Democrats, has resulted in them changing their own rules. Just see how it worked out for the members of the DSA who took over in Nevada.

    You get real power to get actual shit done without risking fascism by letting the GOP win due to the spoiler effect.

    Biden and Harris are just as fascistic as Trump. They are nationalists committing genocide scapegoating immigrants and people overseas and pumping huge sums of money into cops’ funds in response to uprisings over racial policing and racial oppression. They are just polite about it and use the right euphemisms.

    Their policies are, in fact, the main driver of an ascendant right. Their policies degrade conditions and the response to them and fail to address the scapegoating that marginalization provides.

    If someone can make the “revolution is necessary” argument, that should be a perfectly acceptable plan.

    Of course it is necessary. You think the capitalists will just let you vote them out of power?

    I think they just want complete collapse so they can try and rebuild, which is complete psychopathic nonsense.

    Please do less bullshit guessing and actually learn about this topic.