We’re self censoring die now?
I hate the modern Internet.
It’s so cringey.
You mean doe?
A deer
A female deer
If the memes are dank, I wouldn’t even be mad
Before you what?
Before his library books are due
Nice humble brag. Having cherished memories of loved ones. “Whooo, look at me! I’m so loved.”
Some of us only have the memes! Think of our feelings!
Think of our memes!
My childhood mostly sucked so I’ll take the memes. Also my first Fallout 3 playthrough where I made a raider pinwheel through the sky lol
Don’t forget all the videogames you’ve played! A lifetime highlight reel of memes and videogames.
Would be nice to see a collection of nice things in my life and here and there a few funny memes before the curtain finally closes.
what cherished memories of childhood?
“skill issue”
Go towards the rage comics.