Worst that could happen is that you get denied insurance coverage or pay a bigger premium than you should. Or get caught easier if you decide to succumb to a life of crime. Or in the future they might be able to figure out if you have predisposition towards addictive behaviors and market gambling and stuff to you.
So hopefully nothing too bad, but personally I’d still feel iffy about a private corporation owning the rights to my DNA.
I wish you the best of luck when your health insurance rejects your life saving operation because, “you were informed of your genetic predisposition to x and did not take preventative actions for n years.”
while you’re dealing with your own mortality, you’ll also be coming to terms with your own ignorance that put you in that situation.
but don’t worry, you’re young, you’ll live forever.
Have fun when your private health insurance fucks you over for whatever bullshit reason it picks and you can’t afford to fight it even though you’re in the right?
I’m still glad I did.
Lead me to finding my biological family.
And as far as side effects go, there’s not much they can use it for that will bother me.
Worst that could happen is that you get denied insurance coverage or pay a bigger premium than you should. Or get caught easier if you decide to succumb to a life of crime. Or in the future they might be able to figure out if you have predisposition towards addictive behaviors and market gambling and stuff to you.
So hopefully nothing too bad, but personally I’d still feel iffy about a private corporation owning the rights to my DNA.
Ethnic cleansing could happen.
I mean, ethnic cleansing is unlikely to even care about genetics.
We can do genomic cleansing if you wish
If you end up getting a serious illness or cancer or something like that, you might reevaluate how big of a problem this is.
I was being facetious. Obviously it’s a huge problem.
I don’t have health insurance and the world already advertises addictive shit to me and everyone else.
I’m not too worried about it.
I wish you the best of luck when your health insurance rejects your life saving operation because, “you were informed of your genetic predisposition to x and did not take preventative actions for n years.”
while you’re dealing with your own mortality, you’ll also be coming to terms with your own ignorance that put you in that situation.
but don’t worry, you’re young, you’ll live forever.
I have universal healthcare.
Have fun when your private health insurance fucks you over for whatever bullshit reason it picks and you can’t afford to fight it even though you’re in the right?
“they didn’t come for me.”
what a damn fool.