Having done probably more than my fair share of coke, I can say that the person in that pic got some stomped shit, they should switch dealers because that coke is probably mostly meth.
Wait. Why is the marijuana a black person?
I think we all know why. Systemic racism, and the stereotypes that come about because of it.
Yeah, it was sadly
theoreticalrhetorical. In the same way I could’ve asked why the beer one is the all-star quarterback/boys-will-be-boys poster child. 🤢edit: stupid auto-“correct”
Rhetorical? I’m pretty sure you mean rhetorical not theoretical.
Yeah, I got that, but if we don’t say it, and keep saying it, and keep pushing for change… it’s not going to happen.
I can hear that gif perfectly clear
I wish the Gowron image was a similar closeup of his Crazy Eyes. I think I’d still recognize him, especially with those nose ridges.