The O.C. is an American teen drama television series created by Josh Schwartz that originally aired on the Fox network in the United States from August 5, 2003, to February 22, 2007, running a total of four seasons.
The OCs, (aka Osees, the Oh Sees, the O.C.s) are a lo-fi psych garage rock band with over a dozen albums. Their sound is unique, but could best be compared to other psychedelic and punk-influenced bands like Witch and Ty Segal.
Wtf is OC? I’ve never known what it is.
The O.C. is an American teen drama television series created by Josh Schwartz that originally aired on the Fox network in the United States from August 5, 2003, to February 22, 2007, running a total of four seasons.
The OCs, (aka Osees, the Oh Sees, the O.C.s) are a lo-fi psych garage rock band with over a dozen albums. Their sound is unique, but could best be compared to other psychedelic and punk-influenced bands like Witch and Ty Segal.
No waaaay.
No need to thank me, citizen. I’m just here to help.
Seth stans stand UP
Original content
Thank you. Isn’t supposed to be OP for original post?
OP is usually “original poster”, the one that started the thread