I hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing weekend. I finished Borderlands 3, and i have to say that I found it mostly tolerable, which is a massive step up from BL2 (which i hated). I have also been playing minecraft for the first time since before COVID

  • Babs [she/her]@hexbear.net
    4 months ago

    Reinstalled Subnautica with a bunch of mods.

    So I have this really severe phobia of baleen whales, have all my life. I turn into a crying snotty mess, it’s bad. It’s even happened a few times scrolling on this site! (People post funny memes that my lizard brain takes as a threat).

    My bf was surprised to see me installing this. Had to explain that it’s only regular underwater scary, and that nothing in the game could be nearly as bad as a a typical “inspirational” image of our irl sea monsters.