College educated engineers for Harris? I’m shocked…
Anecdotally, the few folks I know at these companies all think Elon Musk is a clown and do everything they can to keep their projects away from him.
You want to see what a project looks like after Musk gets his hands on it?
Cybertruck. that was his baby.
Pretty sure his inspiration was from the cars in Total Recall. You know the weird flick where Arnie goes to mars and gets his brain scrambled and re-scrambled?
Also note he’s in on Neuralink.
They should support removing Elon as their CEO.
For profit company is usually not ran as democracy, so employees don’t really choose the CEO, it is the other way around.
It’s funny because the US is usually like “rah rah democracy!!” but also loves private corporations, which are extremely authoritarian.
America was founded by a tobacco company. The Virginia Company had the first successful settlement. And then some obnoxious cultists got kicked out of England joined them.
Comparing employees to citizens is absurd.
- Citizens pay taxes and receive services
- Employees provide services and receive money.
The more apt comparison is voting citizens compared to shareholders. They too get a vote.
That’s not the point. The point is people spend most of their day under an authoritarian regime. Taxes and services are irrelevant to this.
Employees can buy stock (and are usually given stock as an incentive). Employees can also unionize and go on strike. When you have poor leadership, employees also leave for other jobs.
Most Tesla stock is held by institutional investors. It amazes me they haven’t demanded Elon move on.
They won’t get far because of the sycophantic boards.
Because THEY are the actual brains of the operations.
inb4 they’re getting fired
Aren’t they Ex-Emoloyees? Oh shit, sorry, they meant Twitter employees. My bad.
I hope so. They can claw so much money out of muskrat while they land a new job
While I know we all love dunking on the dipshit Musk… the data from Open Secrets isn’t exactly compelling that these people deeply materially support Harris over Trump. So they’ve spent a bit more donating to Harris… the amounts are honestly a drop in the bucket compared to the full budgets of these campaigns and I’m like 90% sure that a number of them are donating to SuperPACs instead so they can donate beyond their max individual contribution. So, personal opinion, misleading and not necessarily indicative of anything at all, as much as I would love to guffaw and point to it as more evidence that Musk is out of touch with even his own workforce.
1 party believes in science and 1 party believes in nonsense. Guess who the scientists support?
‘Despite’ Musk’s support…
To SPITE Musk’s idiocy.