We did it! Thanks to your generous donation, today 800 tons of wheat flour have safely arrived in Cuba and will provide bread for millions of people in the provinces of Pinar del Rio, Artemisa, Mayabeque, Matanzas and Havana. This urgent campaign has been months in the making, with hundreds of thousands of dollars donated by over 1,300 people like you to help address this food crisis manufactured by the U.S. government and its blockade against Cuba.

While this critical campaign has succeeded in carrying out this delivery, it wasn’t without significant hurdles created by the blockade. In the process of organizing the campaign, we reached out to 14 different grain producers in the U.S. to purchase the massive order but received not a single positive response. In order to successfully complete the delivery, the grain had to be shipped from Turkey and suffered delays because of the U.S. government’s policy of extreme and arbitrary harassment of Cuba’s foreign trade, which is meant to create desperation for the people of Cuba and has brutal consequences.

The Biden administration in its remaining months before January has the power to swiftly end this crisis of hunger. It could remove Cuba from the “State Sponsors of Terrorism List,” an unfounded designation imposed in 2017 by Trump that restricts vital financial and trade transactions.

The “Let Cuba Live: Bread for Our Neighbors” campaign is just one part of the larger fight against the U.S. blockade on Cuba. The people of the U.S. will continue to fight against this brutal blockade and build bridges of solidarity with our neighbors in Cuba. Donations are still being accepted to help offset the costs of this massive delivery—please consider an additional donation, or share with your friends and neighbors. Together we will continue to break the blockade!

In solidarity,

Manolo De Los Santos
The People’s Forum

(Taken from an email sent to me by Manolo de los Santos.)