first of all, why do I have to tell the chef how to make the steak? “medium rare”? “well done”? those are words made up by wizards or something. second of all I don’t like how they taste. they’re super expensive and they just taste so boring. chicken goated steak boring. I’m in my early 20s so I’m getting used to some “acquired taste” things slowly like wine and coffee but steak is still so bland.

  • A michelin chef would like, serve it on wood chips with some potting soil and like a pate and caviar aspic or some shit, and it would be the most revolting thing you’ve ever tasted but it cost $1000 so you pretend it’s amazing to save face.

    Lmao, that’s not what Michelin starred food tastes like. Also, if you count Bib Gourmand food it’s not even that expensive.