An automated system keeps running, even when something it has no way of detecting is happening!? How unexpected!
Now, if people still have to pay the tickets even after contesting them, that’s fucked up. But the fact that traffic cameras don’t suspend activity in the event of an airstrike doesn’t really strike me as news-worthy.
It strikes me as a little bit funny. I’m glad to have heard about it.
I found it hilarious. I mean, they could turn the system off for now but no, they have to go to courts to fight the tickets, per the traffic police. That’s just bonkers.
Your first paragraph reminded me of a short story: There Will Come Soft Rains.
Thanks for the link, I’m always up to read some Bradbury, haven’t read this one in a while
One would expect a traffic ticket system to be able to selectively disable units remotely. After all they’re already connected to some kind of remote system in order for the tickets to be issued in the first place.
Russia should pay for it