But as two new studies published in the past week show, severe COVID isn’t the only risk faced by those with the disease. New findings in JAMA Psychiatry find that levels of mental illness such as depression, anxiety and self-harm are elevated after a COVID-19 diagnosis. Additionally, a new study published in Scientific Reports found that patients who lost their sense of smell after a COVID infection saw long-term structural changes to their brains as well as a tendency to more impulsive behaviors.
What! Wow. I didn’t know that, you’re telling me now for the first time.
Please, take it easy for a while. Hypoxia is no joke.
Yeh. Get one of those pulse oximeter things, it can give you actual hard numbers about how your cardiovascular system is doing and how much oxygen you’re getting.
I’m wary about those nowadays. They’re good indicators of blood oxygen levels, but you can still have post-covid cerebral hypoxia that the oximeter isn’t gonna tell you about.
Rest really is best.
I didn’t know that was even a thing, damn. : @
Yeah, fucking nightmare fuel.
The fallen trees that mock me in the night will remain for at least another week or two
maybe give it a month or two if you can