According to the Guinness World Records website, Branyas believed her longevity stemmed from “order, tranquility, good connection with family and friends, contact with nature, emotional stability, no worries, no regrets, lots of positivity and staying away from toxic people”.
The real secret to longevity is to have spotty health records and a difficult to verify birth certificate. Bonus points if you’re in a country that has undergone multiple radical regime changes.
(my bold)
The real secret to longevity is to have spotty health records and a difficult to verify birth certificate. Bonus points if you’re in a country that has undergone multiple radical regime changes.
(Political) scientists don’t want you to know this one weird trick to eternal life!
Damn. I regret that I lived a life with regrets. Add that to the list of regrets.
What are you supposed to do if you are the toxic people?
I’m not too concerned about toxic centenarians.
Die, I guess.
Yeah, fuck all that noise
I plan to outlive all of my enemies out of pure spite and toxicity so that one day I can piss on their graves/ashes.
Thinking like this could lead you to die earlier. Stress kills. If you can let anything go, you could try.
I plan to outlive my enemies so I can pour out a bottle of the finest scotch on their grave, after it has been filtered through my kidneys.