It’s really frustrating, I was talking to someone about how successful China has been in de-radicalization of reactionaries. But they responded to this by saying they’re only successful because, and I quote “put them all in concentration camps and killed them”

Has anyone here been successful in deprogramming people about this topic? If so any good sources I can use to dissuade them? I tried telling them that the UN report, if you read it, just says that there’s concerns about abuse by internment offcials, and there’s no evidence of genocide. But when I say this they just dismiss it as if the UN is controlled by the PRC. It’s like a religion to liberals to believe anything bad about China and can get really frustrating.

  • loathsome
    5 months ago

    The thing is that concern trolls have conjured ample ammo to consider it a cultural genocide. It is mostly because they aim for a white Eurocentric envisionment of genocide that assuages their own guilt since it falsely equivocates state-designated enemies with themselves. For example, an American news outlet that I can’t remember the name of won a major journalistic award off of this shit. (I think it was Pulitzer but I could be wrong.) The investigation involved looking at satellite images to discover what they supposed were demolished mosques.

    So I asked within this context of their weird conception of genocide whether it is reasonable to ask them to find one confirmed martyr in this genocide.