Wonder how the charging infrastructure is in that part of the world
Ramsi will just have a truck with a diesel generator follow him around.
Is that Tim the Enchanter?
Tim the Enchanter could do more damage to the Ukrainians than this thing
Tim has charisma and commitment.
Nothing some light rain or a ball bearing or two can’t handle.
I cast: non-magic missile
I bet a himars strike on a giant box of lithium batteries would make a pretty kaboom
Dying homophobe lives out his last fantasy.
For a second I thought thise casings were a shirt pattern
Bottle of water
Wait until jamsheed come back and takes care of Russia
🙏 Saint Jamsheed. 🙏 praise his name
Assassin’s Creed cosplay
“be fair or be square” autonomous oblast mf’ers:
Dude looks like a low rent sith or a high class jawa.
He thinks he’s a Sith but he’s just a Jawa.
Rasputin in a cyber-technical.
It’d be cheaper to get a technical and strap a bomb to it.
Herpes vector.