Verify discovered an Android package, “Showcase.apk,” with excessive system privileges, including remote code execution and remote package installation capabilities, on a very large percentage of Pixel devices shipped worldwide since September 2017

The application downloads a configuration file over an unsecure connection and can be manipulated to execute code at the system level

The application retrieves the configuration file from a single US-based, AWS-hosted domain over unsecured HTTP, which leaves the configuration vulnerable and can makes the device vulnerable

Cybercriminals can use vulnerabilities in the app’s infrastructure to execute code or shell commands with system privileges on Android devices to take over devices to perpetrate cybercrime and breaches

Removal of the app is not possible through a user’s standard uninstallation process, and at this time, Google has not offered a patch for the vulnerability

It appears that Showcase.apk is preinstalled in Pixel firmware and included in Google’s OTA image for Pixel devices

Now imagine this happend to a Chinese phone from any manufacturer, may it be Xiaomi, Oneplus or whatever - could you imagine the outcry?

update from GrapheneOS devs explaining that the exploit isn’t as bad as it initially looks