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FlyingSquid is a Zionist who actively censors content critical of israel. In the past this was using false claims of anti-semitism but after acquiring mod powers he has started banning anti-israel posters.

After acuiquiring mod powers on /WorldNews FlyingSquid bans me by making up lies about defending the usage of child soldiers which never happened:

Recently he tried to defend himself by lying about it

After being called out for lying FlyingSquid pretends to act in good faith for a little as if he was just confused that day. Let’s see what happens when we play along:

When pointed out the he was lying the crybully instantly paints himself as the victim who is “about to be insulted”. FlyingSquid is clearly trying to bait an insult to use as an excuse for a reban:

Despite not being insulted, the crybully still claims he was. The Zionist victim complex is a sight to behold. He now demands to be acknowledged for his abuse of mod powers likely hoping to bait an insult:

After failing to ragebait insults the Zionist crybully “changes is his mind” and starts tacking on random extra conditions as an excuse to reban me. He now starts demanding acknowledgement for how amazing he is for falsely banning people.

At this point it is very obvious FlyingSquid has no intentions to unban me from WorldNews and is just trolling:

Subsequently he lies one more time in his ban description.

Edit: JordanLund has joined in and claimed that if you support any action of a group or individual, you fully support every action that group or invidividual has ever committed. Meaning that anyone who supports Joe Biden forgiving Student Loans actually supports the Genocide in Gaza and is a Zionist.


  • jordanlund@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    I have defended voting for Biden, because the only viable alternative is Trump who wants Israel to exterminate everyone quicker.


    “Get it over with and let’s get back to peace and stop killing people. And that’s a very simple statement,” Trump said. “They have to get it done. Get it over with and get it over with fast because we have to – you have to get back to normalcy and peace.”

    Now Harris is the only viable alternative. If Trump takes office again he will give Israel free reign to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible.

    And before you answer - NO - that is not current Biden policy.

    Biden believes, sincerely, that Israel has the right to defend itself, same as any other country, and is supplying them with arms for that defense.


    The problem is Israel, specifically Bibi, is misappropriating that aid and Biden is not calling him out on it publicly.

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think your big beef with Biden is that he did say:

    “I don’t believe you have to be a Jew to be a Zionist, and I am a Zionist.”


    But you have to remember, the man is 81 years old. To him, Zionism doesn’t have the negative connotations that it does for you and me. He means it simply as “Israel has a right to exist and a right to defend itself.” Which is echoed in all his public statements.

    • Linkerbaan@lemmy.worldOP
      1 month ago

      You are not understanding the argument.

      FlyingSquid banned me under the false pretense that supporting any action means you support every action of a group.

      Supporting this ban means you agree with this logic.

      Thus following your logic: if you support Biden you fully support every action, statement and Genocide he is complicit in.

      This is your own logic talking here not me.