This issue is already quite widely publicized and quite frankly “we’re handling it and removing this” is a much more harmful response than I would hope to see. Especially as the admins of that instance have not yet upgraded the frontend version to apply the urgent fix.
It’s not like this was a confidential bug fix, this is a zero day being actively exploited. Please be more cooperative and open regarding these issues in your own administration if you’re hosting an instance. 🙏
Why are you getting so defensive? The only throat getting jumped down is mine, by you. I’m expressing my opinion of gaps in the communication of the project and how I think it can be improved. In a conversation thread on selfhosted no less. I’m not out in ! removed them out, submitting issues, or otherwise harassing the devs. Pointing out a gap and suggesting solutions is neither shitposting nor jumping down someone’s throat.
I think you’re the one confusing this with a large corporate project. Not me. There’s no managers here, there’s no powerpoints, and at no point have I asked for a detailed write-up. I asked for someone on the project, who isn’t actively working on identifying and coding the fix, to be the “point man”. Post a simple sticky at the top of ! xposted to ! that indicates there’s a problem, they’re aware of it, and a fix it being worked on. Once mitigations are identified or fixes are published, update the post with that. Ideally, a github security incident would be also be published with the same info so people not watching lemmy at the moment can notified via that channel.
I get it. I have pretty low standards. I’m just saying that a consistent communication strategy going forward for this project would be beneficial.
I’m with you. I figured out through various comments that I should update my UI to
, and also run an update statement on my database to fix the modlog. Only after that did I find the matrix channel. Eventually I also found ! which is great, but the only thread there on this issue doesn’t even mention updating the UI. I think if we can get to the point where critical information that admins need to know is consistently posted in one place, it’ll make everybody’s life easier. I don’t think that’s too much to ask.