They seem to be the only leftist org in my area that actually does much of anything, but they’ve come under fire for weird vague allegations, so idk.

  • jack [he/him, comrade/them]
    2 months ago

    The expectation is that you commit the time you have available to do so. We don’t want to burn people out, but we also don’t do on-paper members. In my branch, that looks like one or two meetings a week and an action or event every week or two. Some people have schedules that allow them to commit substantially more time, which is great but not a model for everyone to follow. The first year or so, you need to do biweekly candidacy classes that go through the party’s platform, political positions on different struggles, stance towards various AES, etc.

    Edit: I’ll also note that we’re super flexible and understanding. Comrades have stepped away for a few months at a time to deal with life circumstances and there is never any pushback from the org about doing so. They return when they’re ready with no issues or bullshit. When someone needs to dial back a bit, we encourage that - and we also help folks who haven’t found a way to engage consistently with party work to find their right balance as well. It’s another strength of the party, imo.

      • jack [he/him, comrade/them]
        2 months ago

        Totally understood. I have one child and a full-time job with a flexible schedule, and it’s a lot of work for me to fit it in. Certainly worth speaking to your local branch and being up front about if your time availability will work for them.

    • corgiwithalaptop [any, love/loves]
      2 months ago

      When did those trainings become policy? I worked for 9 months with my (major city) branch about 2 years ago, and my “mentorship” was just “oh yeah let’s grab a drink and chat,” followed by occasionally showing up to protests and food distribution. Eventually got ghosted.

    • TyMan210 [he/him, comrade/them]
      2 months ago

      I feel like I’m in a tough spot, where I’m close enough to a major city that I can potentially go to events, but far enough away that the time commitment involved means I need more advanced notice than there typically is between the announcement and the event itself. Especially since I have a kid and both my wife and I work, I can’t be gone all day without prior planning.

      I was trying to go through the process to join, and did a phone interview with a guy, after which he wanted to meet in person for the next step. He suggested I come to one of their events and we’d meet up there, but I never had one line up where I could make it. We were going to try and plan a meet up, but I needed to let my work schedule settle out first, and at this point my last three messages across the last several weeks haven’t been replied to.

      I’m not really sure where I was going with that lol, but I don’t really know what to do from here