The porn fairy of the woods used to leave out magazines for boob men and the implants some of those women had were ludicrous. Not to mention every guy was roided out.

Glad there’s been a push in society to be accepting again of people and their body types. Even if porn today still falls into the same tropes of the 80’s and 90’s.

  • erik [he/him]
    2 months ago

    It’s not even just plastic, the type of gear a lot of guys get on to get bodies like The Rock is coming home to roost in terms of the damage it does to the body. There’s this older sci-fi film called Yor Hunter from the Future released in '83, right at the tail end of what you’re talking about. B-movie. Not worth watching unless you like so bad it’s good stuff. But you can see in the promotional photos what was “big” and muscular looked like during that time:

    Not to brag, but I have comparable measurements from about a decade of program lifting. I still have people regularly surprised I’ve been lifting as long as I have because I don’t look like a professional wrestler. I look like Yor. Because I’m natty and mostly lifting for fun and health. And now I see teenagers getting on chemicals while their bodies are still developing because they want to look like what they see in Marvel films and it’s really sad.