GOD WHAT A WEEK YALL! how are you all processing everything? i ping-pong back and forth between irony-poisoned ecstasy, and doom spiraling. my grandma is PISSED the shooter missed. anyway come joke, vent, discuss. em poc only.

  • homhom9000 [she/her]@hexbear.net
    3 months ago

    Rant time for me.

    I think there are many valid reasons to be scared and worried about the future of the US but whenever I see white people or cis-het folk or any other not currently targeted identities (and kinda some leftist) say “things are going to get worse”, I have a knee jerk side eye. Especially when seeing “theyre gonna put us in concentration camps” or “we’re going to lose rights” messaging. It tells me that they don’t see it’s worse right now and that they have no plans to combat it besides roll over, take it, go to work, wait it out. You’re telling me you’re worried the gov is going to round you up into camps and all you can say it “oh no”? Where’s the “over my dead body” attitude, where’s the fight?

    Maybe I have too much revolutionary optimism but the uptick in fear mongering has been urking me so much.