From one retail worker to another. My most recent one was a lady who had the arrogance to comment on my weight who then yelled “fatso” at me when I ignored her and walked away.

  • AlpineSteakHouse [any]
    2 months ago

    I used to work at a gas station. One time, a guy wanted to return some used coolant because he needed the money to fix something else about his car. I called my manager on his behalf to see what I could do. Store policy said we couldn’t do anything and I was about to give him the money myself when he just started punching the little stall I was in. Screamed the most horrific profanities at me and then sped off in his truck. He comes back an hour later attempting to return something else we didn’t even sell and proceeded to do the exact same thing.

    Another time, an older gentlemen said he paid for his gas already when I knew that he didn’t. I thought it was a hustle so I just called my manager to see what I should do. I told him the guy hadn’t paid but was insisting that he did. My manager told me I probably fucked it up and just give him the gas. The camera recording showed I was right but I still got yelled at for it.