From one retail worker to another. My most recent one was a lady who had the arrogance to comment on my weight who then yelled “fatso” at me when I ignored her and walked away.

  • Black_Mald_Futures [any]
    2 months ago

    I was working customer service one Christmas and some dude comes up wanting to make a purchase. Like 600 dollars of kids clothes. Kids clothes are very small and cheap and so that was a lot of fucking shit. Literal piles on the register, which wasn’t designed for checkout btw so there’s nowhere to put this pile of shit except back into the counter or in bags on the floor.

    I get through it, like 10 minutes later, finally done scanning all this motherfucker’s shit

    He’s mad at me for not folding it, all 5000 pieces of fucking bathing clothes

    I had to leave and make a manager deal with it, I wanted to scream at him