• SupraMario@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Cry all you want big boy, the science is on the side of us non-brainwashed, rational people who understand the need for actual gun regulation in a civilised country.

    I’m not the one crying, the 2nd isn’t going anywhere, and neither are my firearms. More and more people on the left are arming themselves, and the gun control types are becoming a smaller and smaller group. The support you think you have is basically on echo chambers like reddit and here.

    Too bad the US hardly qualifies to that group any more. Third world level literacy rates, so many homeless that human shit is an actual issue in supposedly civilised cities, and firearms as the leading cause of death for children. https://www.forbes.com/sites/darreonnadavis/2023/10/05/firearms-now-no-1-cause-of-death-for-us-children---while-drug-poisoning-enters-top-5/

    First, I’m all for social programs, ending the war on drugs, mental health, single payer healthcare and increasing our funding to education.

    Second, firearms is not the leading cause of death for children. It was during covid because of how many people weren’t driving and how depressed people got from being stuck inside and not being able to socialize.

    There’s a literal mountai in the of evidence showing that all you need to do to start facing this problem is reasonable nation-wide gun regulation. Something everyone knows works and something that you won’t find science against, because gun regulation being the answer is as clear to most people as is the fact that the Earth is round, not Flat.

    Tell that to mexico or Brazil, you also forget that all the places you love to claim have lower gun violence are places with social support for their citizens.

    But you will find Flat Earther crazies who won’t believe in the science even when their own science proves that they are indeed wrong.

    Not even in the same ballpark.

    You’re emotional. You get so angry when you’re reminded that you go against science because you don’t have the balls to actually use your own brain.

    Lol yea… I’m the angry one here.


    Doesn’t seem to be loading for me

    Oh yeah no, it doesn’t bear any rationale to this argument. It’s just there because gun nuts always default to the “you’re just afraid of my pew-pew sticks, that’s why you support gun regulation”. Nah. I love guns, they’re fun. But you know what I care more about than loud bangs? That children don’t have to live in fear of some incel fucktards charging into their school with a pimped out AR15 with a bumpstock.

    The problem here is, you don’t seem to care that kids die, just how they die. Most murders happen with handguns. In fact, murders with ar15s are so rare they’re just included into all rifle deaths, because they’re statistically pointless.

    There’s literally not a single peer reviewed study that concludes that less gun control is better, for anything.

    That’s not how the second amendment works, it’s not there to reduce our violence. It’s there to stop a tyrannical gov…one of which seems to be coming more and more everyday. Do you just ignore the shit that’s coming out of trump and his ilks mouth?

    But I’m sure the lack of science won’t stop you, just like it doesn’t stop Flat Earthers.

    Statistics are what I look at. Which is why you thinking another bumpstock or AWB would do anything is hilarious.

    You’re really just here to prove my point about the willfull ignorance of nuts like you. So… thanks, I guess?

    Yes I’m the nut.

    • PsychedSy@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      2 months ago

      Second, firearms is not the leading cause of death for children. It was during covid because of how many people weren’t driving and how depressed people got from being stuck inside and not being able to socialize.

      Look up the definition of children used here. Also look at suicide and homicides as part of that larger number. There’s a lot of context that points to the fact that the root cause (obviously) isn’t the tool, but the system the tools exist in.