Based on the 2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf

Via a former conservative on Reddit:

  • The government won’t allow you to get an abortion even if giving birth would kill you (p.449 - 503)
  • The government won’t let you buy condoms or plan b (p.449)
  • The government will give more free money to the ultra-rich and the largest corporations (p.691)
  • The government will not allow for workers to be protected at work (p.581)
  • The government will steal your social security (p.691)
  • The government will take away Medicare (p.449)
  • The government will not let you find affordable healthcare (p.449)
  • The government will refuse to help educate our children (p.319)
  • The government will give your tax money to private schools for christians (p.319)
  • The government will force public schools to become religious schools for christians (p.319)
  • The government will fire you for the color of your skin (p545 - 581)
  • The government will tell you what you’re allowed to think (p319)
  • The government will sell our land to be permanently destroyed (p417)
  • The government will sell the arctic to oil companies (p363)
  • Big business and oil will be allowed to do whatever they want without consequences (p.363)
  • The government will tell you what a family is supposed to look like. Anything else is a crime. (p.545 - 581)
  • The government will make us deaf/blind to attack by destroying the FBI and Homeland Security (p.133)
  • The government will build concentration camps to get rid of anyone deemed un-American (p.133)
  • If you’re born in the United States you are not automatically a citizen (p.133)
  • The government will make it legal for food to be poison (p.363 - 417)

Claims without a citation yet:

  • The government will not let you get a divorce without “proof” of wrongdoing
  • Your taxes will go up
  • The government will not let you retire
  • Drugs will cost more
  • The government will let your kids go hungry while they are forced to attend these schools
  • The government will tell you what you’re allowed to read and burn the rest
  • The government will freely kill citizens they disagree with
  • The government will attack single mothers because that’s not a “traditional” family
  • The government will order our active-duty military to attack us if we protest
  • The government will make being muslim on American soil a crime
  • The government will make sure all judges are more loyal to the party than they are to the country
    4 months ago

    Another way to look at this plan is: how to create an unstable and globally uncompetitive workforce.

    America will become a shithole country where no one will want to live or work. The rich will send their children to study and work elsewhere.

    When America is inhospitable to everyone except to multi-millionaires or billionaires (who live elsewhere rn anyways, btw as they have multiple nationalities and passports), the rest of the upper class will jump ship to other countries, where they will always get to enjoy the progressive policies and culture they deprive others of.

    Remember: if the daughter of a rich person will get pregnant, she will have access to abortion

    If the children of the rich want to have sex, they will have contraception

    The rich will choose to live in countries with Medicare and other social programs

    The rich will always have access to rights, and would straight up be able to “buy justice”, like in countries like India, Pakistan, Mexico, Brazil etc

    The rich will always be able to afford clean water and air

    Project 2025 isn’t about race or lgbt or “fambily vablues” as the mealy mouthed hypocrites would have you believe. It’s straight class warfare.

    All Americans are a target of the class warfare, regardless of their socioeconomic status. Even the rich are worse off because they get to enjoy the judicial process here in America, as opposed to getting robbed by the state as in Russia or China.

    In short, project 2025 is a dumb cunt plan of no foresight or insight, and definitely not written by anyone who has goodwill towards Americans or any patriotism

        4 months ago

        I honestly don’t even think the people who came up with this are thinking about that. Like nifty said, these policies will create a brain drain that will be bad for the U.S. economy, including the assets of the rich.

        This is just some christofacist shit. I don’t think they gave a thought to anything else.

          4 months ago

          Do you honestly think a significant amount of skilled workers will leave America? Do you think other countries would take us?

          Like, I get it. I’ve humored moving to Canada, but it ain’t easy to just up and leave everything. Especially when most people can barely achieve $5k in savings.

            4 months ago

            If this shit goes ahead you’re about to get a whole new insider perspective on refugees, son.

            4 months ago

            I apologize in advance for sounding like a dick here, reducing people to dollars and cents. But that’s how the people we’re discussing see us.

            It’s not the ones who don’t have 5k and/or marketable skills that would harm the economy by leaving. If you’ve got something to offer and a company to sponsor you immigration is relatively easy. I’ve spent part of my career working in other countries, and I’ve known many others that have as well. What we have in common is we’re all educated professionals with lots of disposable income. We would harm the economy if we left in larger numbers and stayed away en masse. Although some stay, for the most part we come home. It’s nice to go home. If it’s not nice to come home, we’ll take our education and skills and stay somewhere that is nice. That’s why it’s called a brain drain and not a ditchdigger drain.

            And then there are refugees. Countries don’t take refugees because they want them. They do it because it would be inhumane to not at least have a process, even if many countries make the process as onerous as they can.

      4 months ago

      As we see in the news the move toward the far right is a global phenomenon not just a US thing. Jumping ship is difficult already and there will be fewer desirable countries to go to, as various countries are infected with varying levels of far right. Most Americans don’t understand that you cant just pack up and move to another country. Socially progressive countries have difficult and lengthy immigration processes, and caps. Only the very rich and the lucky few will have that agency annually. Other countries wont be entertaining 10s of thousands of potential American immigrants. If project 2025 is what the younger generations see fit to vote into power then they can reap what they sow.