I mean, presumably there’s a microcontroller in this radio. For programming that, your only real mainstream choices are C, C++ and Rust, since you can’t have a language runtime without a filesystem.
But yeah, it’s neither the case that Rust is overwhelmingly popular for that (C/C++ do stick around still), nor is it the only discipline where Rust shines.
Am I dumb or what’s up with the radio stuff on the left? 😅 Is rust common for some sort of radio programming?
I think the original text was about ham radio.
And yet it’s still relevant because HAM radio operators are weird like that.
I mean, presumably there’s a microcontroller in this radio. For programming that, your only real mainstream choices are C, C++ and Rust, since you can’t have a language runtime without a filesystem.
But yeah, it’s neither the case that Rust is overwhelmingly popular for that (C/C++ do stick around still), nor is it the only discipline where Rust shines.
Check this guy out, doesn’t even have any radio equipment in his IDE