Project 2025 blueprint for second Trump term envisages replacing thousands of career staff with political loyalists

America’s career diplomats are braced for the threat of a mass purge if Donald Trump wins the November election and for the potential flooding of the state department with loyalty-tested political appointees.

Rather than leading to a seamless change of course in a rightward Trumpist direction, the diplomats’ union and former ambassadors argue, such an attempted takeover would be much more likely to end in legal challenges, gridlock and chaos.

If elected, Trump has threatened to reinstate a policy he unsuccessfully attempted in his first term with the creation of “Schedule F”, a new category of federal employees which would be applied to tens of thousands of civil servants in “policy-related” jobs, robbing them of legal protections and making them liable to be fired at will.

    5 months ago

    Obama broke Occupy. Biden and Clinton are vocal about not supporting the anti-genocide protests (except to say the protestor have specific rights).

    There are no political leaders sympathetic to protests here. Only those who could maybe be cowed if we really fought. If that was likely, the FBI would infiltrate and agitators would create reasons for enforcement.

    We’re talking Floyd levels of riot that would remind people of Jan 6th and leave people feeling justified. MLKs proymtests were NOT popular at the time… We’re looking for something and someone like that. Closest we’ve got is Shawn Fain.

    My riot, for now, is my vote and my tepid support of formerly-Dark Brandon. He’s done a lot. More than most. But Garland was a shit pick. And now we’re here with trials delayed all over the place because Garland dithered.

      5 months ago

      After Trump’s weaponized dispatching of DHS and Secret Service against the protesters in Portland, I doubt we’ll see any success from protests or riots against his election. Just lots of arrests and injuries, and possibly some deaths.

      Biden spoke in defense of our right to protest. He spoke out against disorderly conduct and attacks at protests.