Scientist Cal Meacham solves a mysterious puzzle that allows him access to a highly secretive program - led by the mysterious Exeter - that has assembled the world’s greatest scientific minds in an attempt to quickly learn how to generate and store nuclear power. But with the help of his colleagues, Meacham soon discovers that his host is not who he claims to be.
Exeter: Put Neutron in the thought converter? Next you’ll be putting me in the thought converter
Llaana scientist [sotto voce]: I’ll put you in the removed converter
Probably the best MST3K, although The Amazing Colossal Man is up there
“no” 🙄
“NOOO!” 😡
Normal view, norrrmalll viewww, NOORRRMAALLLL VIEEEWWWW!
It’s the amazing Rando!
Don’t try to move, the handles are magnetized…
Which would mean something if your hands were made of metal
Yes, they’re concentrating all their attention on Metaluna. Those flashes of light…they’re meteors. Hundreds of them. The intense heat is turning Metaluna into a radioactive sun. The temperature must be thousands of degrees by now.
Cooler by the lake.
Yes. Let’s sneak away under the cover of afternoon, in the biggest car in the county.
Nanu nanu!
Big men putting screwdrivers into things! Turning them! And adjusting them!
Build your own atom storage box!
Bringing you state of the art soft serve technology
The tagline for this movie promises supreme excitement, but that’s a bit of an exaggeration. It’s still very entertaining however. This is definitely better made than similar b-movies of the '50s. A few more stills…
Rex Reason! Now that sounds like a name for a comic book character, like the normal human with a high-functioning mind, the scientist, poet and statesman that superheroes turn to for help in solving mysteries and facing the odds, each and every installment.
Like if the Avengers could also count on someone like Sherlock Holmes.