With Reddit, and perhaps also Twitter. Personally I deleted my accounts on both platforms and came here today, because I feel it was the moral thing to do. And I hope both platforms will burn down, and the new way forward is more community-driven social media instead of capitalist-driven. But realistically I think both will just slowly get worse in terms of quality (well, twitter doesn’t have much quality content for a while now anyway) and muddle through for a while. In the end it could go either way I think? What are your thoughts on where those platforms will end up, realistically?

  • Fondant
    2 years ago

    they will end up the same way as Xerox, IBM, AOL and potentially Kodak. dead or suffering along in a different way massively demoted in importance. this is the way especially when you decide the best way to get money is not with the graphical user interface or digital cameras but toner and celluloid film. (got to love them tonerheads)

    the big thing here however is how much reputation Reddit has cashed in on to make this change, they really played their hand and will probably be feeling this for a while if it is not their downfall.