Since around 23 June 2023, Ukrainian forces have almost certainly restarted deploying personnel to the east bank of the Dnipro River in Kherson Oblast, near the ruined Antonovskiy Bridge.

Fighting intensified on the east bank from 27 June 2023. The defending Russian force includes elements of Russia’s 7th Guards Air Assault Division, part of the Dnipro Group of Forces (DGF).

In recent weeks, Russia has highly likely reallocated elements of DGF defending the bank of the Dnipro to reinforce the Zaporizhzhia sector.

Combat around the bridge head is almost certainly complicated by the flooding, destruction and residual mud from the collapse of the Kakhovka Dam on 06 June 2023.

    1 year ago

    It will be a gruelling fight for both sides. Small naval units have been battling each other since Kherson was captured. No successful amphibious landings at Kinburn Spit either. Best chance is that the Russians are trying to stabilise on several fronts and lack manpower.

    This will be to Ukraine’s advantage if they can sieze the initiative and push out of the bridgehead. Onto more stable land and use engineers to get some bridge going.