Lots of changes today! Here we go, but first huge thank you to the multiple people who helped out with a lot today with PRs! Lots of good advice, performance, and refactoring!

  • Crash during signup was fixed
  • The … button at the top of the feed screen has been replaced. It now shows an icon depending on whichever view you’re looking at (subscribed, local, etc) (Thanks to https://github.com/jacksonopp)
  • A message will now be presented if you look at the subscriptions screen and you don’t have any
  • Feed view has been optimized. Huge thanks to https://github.com/beardwin for his advice on optimization as well as other React Native advice!
  • The header dropdown drawer is now animated as well thanks to https://github.com/beardwin
  • There should be better handling of images that are inside of markdown, especially in the feed view
  • Haptic feedback is now played on all post actions as well as the bookmark option on the feed view
  • All images should now save. Previously, there was an issue saving webp images (which a lot of people seem to share). Shouldn’t be a problem now
  • The keyboard accessory in the post view is fixed. It won’t disappear anymore.
  • Sharing links with markdown now gives you some dialogs to make this easy. Just set the link and set the label.
  • The selected option is now listed in the action sheet for selecting a sort (thanks again to Thanks to https://github.com/jacksonopp)
  • There is now better visibility for showing the OP of a post
  • Comments now collapse to a much smaller size so they get out of your way (thanks to https://github.com/ktgd)

Lots more fixes will be coming tomorrow as well. Doing a lot of cleanup right now, things are only going up from here!

We will keep you up-to-date on the App Store review process as well. It’s now been about 12 hours since initial submission for review.

Happy scrolling!

  • dizzy
    1 year ago

    Holy shit lads! I’ve sent feedback about one crash that got fixed by the next day and then one suggestion about collapsed comments being too big and that got implemented by the next day.

    You’re smashing this! Bravo!