It sounded like the perfect pairing: Richard Dreyfuss up on stage discussing his career and the making of "Jaws" before the lights dimmed and the movie played on the screen behind him. Instead, Dreyfuss used his time on stage at the Cabot Theatre in Beverly Saturday night to spew hatred at both women and transgender people he just wouldn't stop and people began to walk out, even if they had paid up to $125 for a ticket. Read more.
It looks like only about 20 people walked out, and it isn’t clear at all from any sources what it is he supposedly said and how it came to transpire, other than the fact that one of the things he said was in direct response to a question asked of him, and someone in the facebook thread seems to indicate the person they had moderating had a hand in the nonsense. Someone also said that the submissive comment was him talking about how women were treated at the time.
yeah im getting pretty annoyed at vague accusation headlines with no damning details. If you have no details then don’t write a “news” article.